Wednesday, September 1, 2010

you could view these...or not

We see all this turmoil happening because of the immigration law with people getting shot, innocent people getting charged, and police using technicalities to detain people- like really dude was going 45 in a 40 and you stopped him, but thats not racially motivated right?. Then we learn that according to an AP report that changes that were being considered being made to the law including, and i quote "a requirement that police check a person's status while enforcing other laws if there's a reasonable suspicion the person is in the United States illegally," are no longer going to be made it will remain the same but be fastracked through the courts to be decided on. How can you see these videos and still be an avid supporter of this law you have to be blind, deaf, and sleep to not take note of the serious flaws not only in the law but in the mindset of those who support these laws some of these people being in positions of power and authority *cough* REP. TED POE *cough* who seem to be the reincarnation of nazis and the gestapo with the way the compare immigrants to bugs needing to be extinguished.

but then again we could care less right?

from one indifferent citizen to the next...


  1. America wants to make immigrants come in as "illegals"

  2. why do you that america has alot of issues but i dont think fabricating illegals is something theyre into doing

  3. "if there's a reasonable suspicion the person is in the United States illegally" could be anyone, so dont look out of town when staying in arizona

  4. It is very sad that we are being expose to the news and knowing how america treats others! as we are being educated in the America, sometimes we already took the 'human rights' for granted but here are what is REAL among our lives!! where's the human right?

  5. BEN I think your right!!!
    LOVE AND PEACE!!! what kind of these devil lawmakers are!!!

  6. One of the principal constitutional questions is whether federal immigration laws pre-empt the Arizona legislation. Many opponents of the Arizona statute contend that the measure is pre-empted by Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, which permits Congress "[t]o establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization," and by immigration legislation. Preemption is the focus of a federal lawsuit that was filed last week by the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders to enjoin enforcement of the statute.

  7. Some critics of the statute allege that it violates the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. This is unlikely, however, since the statute makes clear that any inquiry into immigration status must be conducted according to the same standards that apply to any search.

  8. The bill also makes it a misdemeanor to attempt to hire or pick up day laborers to work at a different location if the driver impedes the normal flow of traffic, albeit briefly. How many New York taxi drivers impede the flow of traffic when they pick up fares????
